
Administrative Assistant with 2+ years of experience flawless preparation of reports and maintaining the utmost confidentiality. Possesses a B.A. in Gender Studies and an A.A. in Liberal Arts. Has expertise in Microsoft Office. Looking to leverage my knowledge and experience into a role as an Human Resources Assistant or an Employee Advocate.

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Educational Assistant with extensive experience across a variety of industries and subjects, including arts, education, management, public service, and security. Possesses a B.A. in Gender Studies and an A.A. in Liberal Arts. Has expertise in Microsoft Office. Looking to leverage my knowledge and experience into a role as an Academic Advisor.

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Work History

Results-oriented and enthusiastic professional with extensive experience across a variety of industries including arts, education, public service. Excellent problem-solving skills with a strong orientation in public service. Outstanding listening and interpersonal skills paired with energetic and positive energy.

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