She Was Killed by Space Junk

Watchmen. Oh, shit, friend. What even is going on. What even is going on?
Same disclaimer as the previous two episodes: this post has spoilers, and it is not a review - rather, it is more of a reaction piece that I am writing as I am watching the episode. Please feel free to leave a comment with your own thoughts and reactions to the show!

She Was Killed by Space Junk

Ooo… Watchmen logo is dialing up. Nice.

So, apparently we have a satellite link to Mars. Nice. I guess it gives people a false sense of security, being able to leave voice messages to Doctor Manhattan. And the phone booth has a keyboard in it - it’s not touchscreen. That makes sense with the lack of cell phones and tablet computers and such.
The brick barbecue “joke” this person is starting out with is making me think of Homer Simpson’s barbecue art piece.
Bank robbery? Didn’t see this happening. Oh, and a Christopher Nolan Batman! Except that the FBI catches him. Nice going, Agent! And people call him a hero - do people want Costumed Adventurers to make a comeback?

Oh, nice placement of the episode title. I love how they do this.
CD player? 2019 technology really is off the rails.
You don’t need a glove to feed a snake... and why is the suitcase glowing blue? Are these clues?
“Rich assholes playing dress-up.” Well said, Senator Keene.
It’s an owl in the cage. Agent Blake. Blue glowing box. Silk Spectre II?
Heh. The owl’s name is Who. I love the joke. Nice.
Good point, Senator - the 7K didn’t take credit for the murder of Judd. Hm…
Laurie Blake. Her name is Laurie Blake. And she has an Andy Warhol style painting of four of the Crimebusters. And Keene makes an eerie reference about getting her owl (probably Dan Dreiberg) out of “that cage” (probably prison). Fascinating… And the Warhol-style painting appears to be of the comic version of Watchmen and not the movie adaptation - does that mean that this show is a sequel to the comic, or does that mean that Warhol (or whomever created it) took artistic license and this is a sequel to the movie?
Yep. She’s Laurie Juspeczyk.

3 Heroes Die… Hero 1: Nite Owl II.

“We all know how accommodating white folks are when people of color dare to prosper.” That is true, Deputy Director. 7K is just the Klan with a new mask. But I’m interested in reading more on this “Victims of Racial Violence Act” from the Watchmen timeline. And the cops actually protect everyone and push back against the 7K? Interesting.
Ew, Rorschach’s journal. Do you think you’re a psychologist, Junior Agent Petey?
Heh. It makes sense that the FBI knows who Sister Night is. And Deputy Director knows that Agent Blake was Silk Spectre.

“Tulsa’s not Rome.” Well said, Agent Blake.
The Millennium Clock? What is that thing? Can we have one?
“Look on my Works, ye Mighty, and despair.” Lady Trieu may have said it as a shoutout to Adrian Veidt, but it is from Percy Shelley's "Ozymandias". Let’s show her some respect.
Incognito in Argentina, Junior Agent? With plastic surgery? Grow up.
Oh, PhD in history. Okay, you’re now promoted to Dr. Junior Agent. But show Agent Blake some fucking respect, kid.

3 Heroes Die… Hero 2: Ozymandias.

Oh, clue - dropped a giant alien squid in New York! Yep - this is a sequel to the comic. I am now totally convinced.

“Sir, I’m with the FBI, are your civil rights being violated?” “Okay. Sorry, I was just kidding. I don’t care.” I’ll admit - I laughed, despite the civil rights violations.
The Pod is a racist detector.
How the hell does Looking Glass see through that thing?
Hmm… no tox screen - probably to keep it from being known that he did cocaine.
WOAH, THE FUNERAL IS THAT QUICK? The investigation isn’t even over yet!

3 Heroes Die… Hero 3: Doctor Manhattan.

Ankle gun - smart thinking.
Tartarus Acres. There is no such cemetery in Tulsa, at least according to Google Maps; however, Tartarus is the name of the deep abyss that’s used as a dungeon of torment and suffering for the wicked (I hope Judd wasn’t actually 7K) and as the prison for the Titans (as Chief of Police, Judd would be like a Titan), according to Greek mythology.
No guns - I don’t blame you, Tulsa PD.
Oh, what are those, magnetic safeties? Interesting!

I do not like the 51-star flag. There are better designs.

Anti-Vigilante Task Force. Logical, in this timeline. “You know how you tell the difference between a masked cop and a vigilante?” No. “Me neither.”
A tunnel, eh? Did no one check inside crypts? Lax security, officers. Lax.
I see you there in uniform, Looking Glass.
Bomb connected to your heart? Pfft. Not likely.
Good on ye, Senator Keene.
Oh, it was actually connected to his heart. I take that back.
Smart thinking, Sister Night!

Hm… back at the Master’s place. And a purple mask on the bust. I’m sure he’s Veidt. But what is he making? And with such rudimentary tools?
Good luck, Mr. Philips. You are either going into space or a parallel dimension. Either way, the best of luck to you.
And… you’re dead. Poor Mr. Philips. I’m glad that these clones don’t seem to remember what previous versions of them went through, but still - that’s cold, Master.
Huh. Skull and crossbones on a scythe… Are you in hell? And who is that masked person with a flintlock?
3 candles on the cake? 3rd anniversary? Hm.
Game Warden, eh? Advisory? Captivity? WHAT.
“Thank you again for the delicious tomatoes.” Very gentlemanly.
Republic serial villain? Well, that goes with the background music. “That said, I’m pleased you enjoyed the tomatoes.” Adrian Veidt. CALLED IT. And he’s dressed again as Ozymandias (comic book version). Nice.

“And the Russians ain’t my problem. The goddamned Seventh Kavalry is.” Well said, Keene.
But what are the Russians doing building an intrinsic field generator? Is that a clue?
Yeah - exhuming him makes sense. Burying him so fast is kinda odd. And the investigating has been kinda sloppy so far.
You’re right, Agent Blake - Sister Night is not the fainting type. But she’s also not the type to be intimidated by the Feds. You wasted a good speech. Tsk.

Blue vibrator - Doctor Manhattan. Dr. Junior Agent wearing a mask for some sexytimes - Nite Owl II. Oh, and he has Rorschach journal. Ew.

3 Heroes Die… Just a woman? No powers. Must be Silk Spectre II. And she threw the brick in the air. “And where does God go when he dies? He goes to hell. Roll on snare drum. Curtains. Good joke.” Sounds like the joke that Rorschach made after the Comedian was killed.

It is nice to pretend, isn’t it, Agent Blake? It is nice. And depressing. I feel for you.


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