Justin on Panels - Season 1, Episode 01

Season 1, Episode 01: 50 Shades of Blackface

Over the last four years, I have been promising to finish cleaning up the audio from the various panels that I have been on and improve the show notes. Now that the GraysMatter Podcast is up and running, I have taken the time to also revisit these panels. Please join me in experiencing Justin on Panels.

CONvergence 2017

The desire for realism is high in the cosplay community, but when does it go to far? Is it okay to change skin tone to emulate a character of a different race? Is it necessary? What is the difference between looking like another race and another species?
Panelists: Justin Grays, Stephanie Stensland (mod), Sarah Molasky, Morgan Strickland, Charlene Holm

Content Warning:

  • Blackface

  • Racism

Justin on Panels is available on the following platforms:

Posts about Tokens and Tokenism

Some great articles about raceface & cosplay on Twin Cities Geek:

Demoman from Team Fortress 2: https://wiki.teamfortress.com/wiki/Demoman

The kid who dressed as his hero, Malcolm X, for Halloween: https://urbanintellectuals.com/kid-came-to-halloween-party-at-school-dressed-as-his-hero-malcolm-x-no-black-face-needed/

Slate magazine put together a list of shows that did blackface 2000-2020: https://slate.com/culture/2020/06/blackface-tv-episodes-30-rock-scrubs-community-snl.html

Shandai as Zoë Washburne at CONvergence. Image used with permission.

A friend of mine, who happens to be white, has an excellent Zoë Washburne cosplay. Image used with permission.

The functional Iron Man cosplay: https://youtu.be/Pk6n9EpIJU4

The wedding celebration that I am thinking of was probably this 21st birthday party that hit a number of news sites, and I just misremembered what the party was about.

Though my web search may be misleading me, and could be a wedding party that I just cannot find that did make the news.

Zwarte Piet is the companion of Saint Nicholas, and the traditions of his character have been receiving scrutiny and condemnations as of late:

The Roman emperors to whom I was referring were Lucius Septimius Severus (11 April 145 – 04 February 211) and Caracalla (4 April 188 – 8 April 217), both members of the Severan dynasty.

The episode of Seinfeld that I am referring to is “The Wife” (S5E17): https://youtu.be/qjuCx2EQt1k

United States Army and natural Black hair:

Audio provided by Jason Thibeault | Cover Art by Michelle Chmura | Theme Music by Caleb Kelson

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