Teammates: Take Shots - Book Review

I give Take Shots 5 stars. That gives the Teammates Series an average rating of 5 stars from me so far.

This book perfectly builds off of On Ice, further exploring the relationships that the teammates have individually and collectively. I said in my review of On Ice that the characters are well-developed, empathetic, and true - this remains true in Take Shots. Each chapter is from the point of view of a different character, which adds to the story by giving us deeper insight into the main character’s interpersonal dynamics.

And this book is very real. Not only do we face friendship and toxic relationships, but we also live through coming out as an adult and dealing with “gold star” lesbians, unpacking trauma, healing from loss, and confronting unrequited love. I am looking forward to reading the third book in the series, Full Strength. And be certain to read the bonus scenes that take place during Take Shots:

You can find Alison Sommer at Her books are available on Paperback, Kindle, and as Audiobooks.

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