Will I see you at CONvergence 2023?

The poster for “CONvergence 2023: All Dressed Up…” - https://www.convergence-con.org/

Well, it’s almost Independence Day Weekend, and that means that it is almost time for CONVergence 2023: All Dressed Up. I am looking forward to it; I haven’t been to CONvergence since 2019, since just before the pandemic. I am eternally grateful to be able to go to CONvergence once again, to see those whom I don’t get to see often, to go to panels and learn/experience things and share my knowledge. It promises to be a grand time.

Just like with Minicon 56, I am unable to afford a hotel room or to take a Lyft there & back each day. I will be taking mass transit both ways - fortunately, the ride will be shorter this time, about 25 minutes each way, and it will only require one bus. However, buses only run so late, and so I will have to make certain to leave at a reasonable time to get back home. Sleep is important, after all! If you are willing to help me afford a backup plan in case I miss a bus, however, I would be most appreciative - donation links will be at the end of the post.

There will be something new at CONvergence this year - Meet & Greets. From what I was told, the Invited Participant department is not active this year, and that the move to a Meet and Greet rather than a Signing is to give those who may not have obviously signable merchandise the chance to participate. Well, most certainly I don’t have merchandise - but I do have a Meet & Greet scheduled. If nothing else, it’ll be a perfect time to see you all, as I will be in one spot for an hour while not being on a panel!

And now, the panels I will be on this year. If you will be at CONvergence, I would love to see you! Feel free to stop by to say hi and bump elbows - and be sure to wear your mask!

Thursday, July 6

Favorite Video Essays and YouTube Essayists - 2:00pm - 3:00pm - Hyatt 2 Greenway BCDE
Who are your favorite YouTube personalities and which video series are you sharing with friends?
Participants: Melanie Reap, Boris Smelov, Donald Poleke (mod), Justin Edward Grays, Joseph Lauer

Picard - 8:30pm - 9:30pm - Hyatt 2 Greenway BCDE
Now that the third season is over, what worked in the show? What didn't work? Did Tom Hardy show up as Picard's clone complete with a goofy French accent? Are we disappointed that he didn't show up with a goofy French accent? Do Borg time problems hurt?
Participants: Renate Fiora (mod), Tim Lieder, James McMahon, Justin Edward Grays

Friday, July 7

Year in New Trek - 3:30pm - 4:30pm - Hyatt 2 Greenway BCDE
Several series are running concurrently. Engage in a discussion about Discovery, Lower Decks, Picard, Prodigy and Strange New Worlds.
Participants: Randee Dawn (mod), Assad Khaishgi, Brittany Ann Kerschner, Joan Marie, Justin Edward Grays

Saturday, July 8

DS9: Far Beyond the Stars - A Generation Later - 11:00am - 12:00pm - Hyatt 2 Greenway BCDE
The 1998 episode of DS9 "Far Beyond the Stars" broke some of Star Trek's traditional rules. What are some aspects to consider 25 years after it first aired? Who are some of the real people from the 1950s and 1960s that mirror characters from that episode?
Participants: Amáda Márquez Simula, Justin Edward Grays, Brittany Ann Kerschner, Gabriela Felice Santiago, Maurice Broaddus

Meet and Greet - Justin Grays - 12:30pm - 1:30pm - Hyatt 1 Exhibit Hall Signing Table B

Do you have questions that you’d like me to try to bring up on panels? Do you have any thoughts or comments on the upcoming panels? Please let me know, and I’ll do my best to discuss it during the panel as long as it is relevant.

I hope to see you there!

With special thanks to my Convention Sender Tier members Dee and Corwin Brust. I couldn't do this without your love and support. Thank you.

If you can, please help me continue to get out to conventions and attend panels. Writing about each panel takes a lot of work, ranging from extensive note-taking and transcribing, to understanding the content of the panel, to analyzing the information, and there is maintaining this website and creating the content for ease of access. As little as $1/month will help me get into a position where I can prepare and create quality content for everyone. To this end, I am on both Patreon and Ko-fi, membership platform services designed to help facilitate the relationships between patrons and creators.
I know that it's not always possible to sponsor someone on a monthly basis. If you would help me with a one time donation, please feel free to use PayPal, CashApp, or Vemno. Producing content takes time and effort, and any support would be most appreciated. Your donations help me cover expenses and eventually will let me be able to create quality content full-time.

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