Justin Grays

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Polyamory 101 at CVG 2018 follow-up

At the end of the Polyamory 101 panel at CONvergence, I promised that I would put up a poll to see if we should submit a Polyamory 201 panel for next year, and have fields for what kind of questions there should be. I also promised a couple of people links about "Poly" being considered slur to Polynesians.

See this form in the original post

Stop saying "poly" when you mean "polyamorous"

From Now On, I’m Saying “Polyam”

Poly Means Polynesian, Not Polyamorous — Lily Stone

Here's this panel at MarsCon 2018

There will be a full post within the next several days or so; I seem to be succumbing to concrud and am reserving my energy.

If you can, please help me continue to get out to conventions and sit on panels. Preparing for each panel takes a lot of work, ranging from studying and understanding a subject to maintaining this website and preparing researched content. As little as $1/month will help me get into a position where I can prepare and create quality content for everyone. To this end, I am on Patreon, a membership platform service to help facilitate the relationship between patrons and creators.
I know that it's not always possible to sponsor someone on a monthly basis. If you would help me with a one time donation, please feel free to use PayPalSquareCash, or Vemno. Producing content takes time and effort, and any support would be most appreciated. Your donations help me cover expenses and eventually will let me be able to create quality content full-time.

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See this content in the original post

See this form in the original post